knew i'd strike a nerve! Happy to provide some facts.
1) Greta is currently 21. The year you attack her for, 2019, she was 16. You are going after a teenager. Oh and she also has Aspergers.
2) Greta's eco action started as a simple school protest. Even she has admitted she did not plan or think it would spark the movement it did.
3) She was influential in helping create and lead the first Global Climate Strike, where over 1.6 million people from 125 countries took place. You may disagree with their protest (or more likely just not understand) but this is what a movement looks like.
3) According to the IEA (and many other sources you probably don't believe in), global CO2 emissions continue to rise. In order to mitigate the effects of unabated warming and climate disaster, leading organizations such as the IPCC have advised we need to get global emissions to 50% of current levels by 2030 and to 0 by 2050.
4) We are falling WAY short of those necessary targets to limit uncontrolled climate change. Therefore, every person on this planet has a right to their anger, frustration, and concern. Including Greta.
5) Any meaningful movement has multiple voices, multiple leaders. Greta gained the support and voice of her peers, Gen Z. Good for her, it worked.
6) Time and time again governments and businesses have failed to deliver on shallow climate promises. See all previous COPs, google "greenwashing", and see here:
7) And lastly, happy to refute a few of your "claims" or more like qualms on greta.
Did she have any qualifications? No.
Fortunately, one does not have to have prior qualifications or experience to stand up for one believes in. Its kind of a fundamental right. Especially when your attacking a 16 year old, lol. She was doing what any other "qualified" 16 year old was doing, going to school. Also, pretty sure the US military recruits thousands of "unqualified" high school students to join the army each year...
Was she a talented, precocious individual who had created some kind of breakthrough solution? No.
Since when was this a pre rec for taking a stand on what you believe in? Did Mother Theresa create a breakthrough solution, did MLK JR, did Malcom X, did Princess Diana? Pretty sure that is NOT a requirement for getting people to care about other people or the planet.
Was she someone who had been deeply affected by an indisputable climate related event? No.
Again, not a pre rec for caring about one's home, aka the planet. Countless climate scientists, activists, leaders have not been personally affected by a climate disaster.
Had she tried or achieved literally anything in the field? Nope.
This one couldn't be further from the truth. She has inspired more than you nor I ever will, started 2 organizations, led protests around the world, published 3 books, been invited and delivered speeches in front of some of the world's most influential leaders.
Again, you might not like what she said, but you cannot deny the movement she started. Perhaps you just don't understand it ...