I am not enough.
And neither are you.
I’m not smart enough.
I’m not skilled enough.
I’m not qualified enough.
I’m not “just what we’re looking for” enough.
I’m not experienced enough.
I’m not connected enough.
I’m not nepo enough.
I’m not tall enough.
I’m not thin enough.
I’m not strong enough.
I’m not quick enough.
I’m not pretty enough.
I’m not skinny enough.
I’m not white enough.
I’m not tan enough.
I’m not handsome enough.
I’m not funny enough.
I’m not rich enough.
I’m not wealthy enough.
I’m not spending enough.
I’m not saving enough.
I’m not earning enough.
I’m not buying enough.
I’m not betting enough.
I’m not consuming enough.
I’m not present enough.
I’m not calm enough.
I’m not around enough.
I’m not a parent enough.
I’m not good enough.
I’m not spontenous enough.
I’m not loving enough.
I’m not good in the bedroom enough.
I’m not having sex enough.
I’m not reading enough.
I’m not cooking enough.
I’m not working out enough.
I’m not walking enough.
I’m not exercising enough.
I’m not eating enough.
I’m not checking in enough.
I’m not listening enough.
I’m not sharing enough.
I’m not posting enough.
I’m not promoting enough.
I’m not writing enough.
I’m not meditating enough.
Im not getting up early enough.
I’m not doing anything enough.
I’m not sleeping enough.
I’m not contributing enough.
I’m not working hard enough.
I’m not putting in the hours enough.
I’m not getting promoted enough.
I’m not leading enough.
I’m not managing enough.
I’m not learning enough.
I’m not coaching up enough.
I’m not coaching out enough.
I’m not mentoring enough.
I’m not studying enough.
I’m not challenging myself enough.
I’m not calm enough.
I’m not complicit enough.
I’m not mindlessly consuming enough.
I’m not traveling enough.
I’m not really living enough.
I’m not recycling enough.
I’m not eating my vegetables enough.
I’m not brushing my teeth enough.
I’m not not getting mad enough.
I’m not not getting frustrated enough.
I have had enough.
You are enough.
You are you.
And that’s the most beautiful thing in the world.
When they zig, you zag.